In April, we celebrate Earth Day. 24 hours during which, we focus on our planet, its needs, and the horrendous things we are doing to it. But what is this day for, really, if not an opportunity to commit ourselves to learn more?
Learning leads to awareness.
Awareness brings action.
If the past twenty years have shown us anything, it’s that institutional and governmental progress on earth friendly solutions is slow. But we, the consumers, have the power to be an engine (with no emission!) for real, significant improvements. So we must educate ourselves, to make smart choices about what we buy, who we support, and motivate ourselves and others to do more, to do better, to do the right thing.
This month, I am inviting you, and your children, to learn more about the Earth, its wonders, challenges, and calls for change.
Come and pick a book on a topic you would like to explore, and share with us something important, that you didn’t know, or that you think we all ought to know. Encourage your children to participate, and let’s share what matters, what will make a difference, what might call others to lend Earth a helping hand.
Below are a few ideas of books.
To Speak For The Trees by Diana Beresford Kroeger
Diana Beresford Kroeger’s startling insights into the hidden life of trees have already sparked a quiet revolution in how we understand our relationship to forests. Now, in a captivating account of how her life led her to these illuminating and crucial ideas, she shows us how forests can not only heal us, but save the planet
The Worth Of Water by Gary White and Matt Damon
Actor Matt Damon and water expert and engineer Gary White join forces to find the answer to the water crisis in the world: did you now that three quarters of a billion people have no clean water source near their homes? Their organization, has helped over 40 million people access water and / or sanitation. All the authors’ proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to
The Insect Crisis by Oliver Milman
In The Insect Crisis, acclaimed journalist Oliver Milman dives into the torrent of recent evidence that suggests this kaleidoscopic group of creatures is suffering the greatest existential crisis in its remarkable 400-million-year history. What is causing the collapse of the insect world? Why does this alarming decline pose such a threat to us? And what can be done to stem the loss of the miniature empires that hold aloft life as we know it?
The Future We Choose by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac
A cautionary but optimistic book about the world’s changing climate and the fate of humanity, from Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac—who led negotiations for the United Nations during the historic Paris Agreement of 2015. The authors outline two possible scenarios for our planet. In one, they describe what life on Earth will be like by 2050 if we fail to meet the Paris Agreement’s climate targets. In the other, they lay out what it will be like to live in a regenerative world that has net-zero emissions. They argue for confronting the climate crisis head-on, with determination and optimism. The Future We Choose presents our options and tells us what governments, corporations, and each of us can, and must, do to fend off disaster.
Earth Squad By Alexandra Zissu
Kids across the globe will be moved by the passion of these amazing eco-warriors who have dedicated their lives to making our world a better place. Alongside dynamic illustrations and entertaining biographical information, you’ll find practical tips that anyone can do to help save the earth. Every one of us can make a difference, and, together as an Earth Squad, we can change the world.
I Am Not An Egg Carton
This isn’t an egg carton—it’s a penguin, mini monster, fire engine, dragon, music shakers, mini cars, and more. The projects in this book are amazing fun for girls and boys. Each craft comes with photographic step-by-step instructions and can be completed within an hour. The picture-book style narrative is full of humor and personality, with gorgeously illustrated scenes that show off your creations in style.
A Kid’s Guide To Saving the Planet by Paul Douglas
The Earth is warming. The climate is changing. Sea levels are on the rise, and plastic is showing up… everywhere. We have every reason to be concerned about our planet, our only home. New inventions and technologies will help, but cleaning up the planet–saving the world–will require all of us to pay attention and take action. What can you do to help? Plenty! Despite what you may hear on the news, the situation isn’t hopeless, and we aren’t helpless. In this inspiring, informative book, nationally recognized meteorologist Paul Douglas clearly and thoughtfully presents the daunting problems of climate change. And he offers realistic solutions (including some that are already working!) and actions that kids can participate in now. It’s imperative that we all step up and become part of the solution, by engaging in new, smarter ways of living.
Plastic Sea by Kirsti Blom and Geir Wing Gabrielson
Plastic garbage knows no borders. In the sea, it floats on ocean currents and makes its way around the globe, threatening seabirds and animals that eat it by mistake and are sometimes caught in plastic waste. Told from the perspective of a Northern Fulmar, a seabird that lives across the oceans of the northern hemisphere, Plastic Sea: A Bird’s-eye View uses the most up-to-date science to offer insight into a growing environmental crisis with global implications. If we continue to waste as much plastic as we do today, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050. Fortunately, there are actions we can take as individuals and as a global community to reduce plastic waste in our oceans. Plastic Sea is an invitation to give seabirds, animals, and the Earth itself a chance to thrive again.
This is only a small sample of the many amazing resources to educate ourselves on the planet. So I hope that you will join The Book House Earth Challenge by grabbing a read, and sharing with us a helpful tip to preserve our beautiful planet.